Wednesday, July 8, 2020

الإدعاء الأمريكي وحدود حصانته من المسئولية عن افعاله

بمناسبة عدة قضايا تتعلق بمدى سريان الحصانة على افعال المدعين العموميين في الولايات المتحدة، كتب استاذ القانون
Martin A. Schwartz
عن ثلاثة أحكام قضائية تناولت الموضوع مؤخراً موضحة الفارق بين نوعين من الحصانة
absolute vs. qualified immunity
وموضحة كذلك بالنسبة لأعمال الإدعاء العام الفارق بين نوعين من الأعمال
advocacy vs. investigative functions
وكان ذلك بمناسبة نظر دعوى تعويض معينة ينظمها القانون الأمريكي وتشتهر باسم دعوى سكشن ١٩٨٣
Section 1983 affords a remedy for unconstitutional abuses of official power by state and local officials.

وكان ذلك في ثلاثة قضايا
Fogle v. Sokol, 957 F. 3d 148 (3d Cir. 2020)
 Singleton v. Cannizzaro, 956 F. 3d 773 (5th Cir. 2020)
Rieves v. Town of Smyrna, 959 F. 3d 676

وانتهت المحكمة الي عدم سريان الحصانة المطلقة على أعمال الإدعاء العام لأنها تعلقت  بالتحقيق
The courts in Fogel, Singleton and Rieves found that the prosecutors were not entitled to absolute immunity because they allegedly carried out investigatory functions.

Prosecutorial Immunity Denied for 'Fake Subpoenas,' Fabricating Evidence and Directing Raid,  By Martin A. Schwartz | July 06, 2020 at 12:30 PM 

وهناك قضايا امريكية أخرى ذات صلة منها
United States Court of Appeals,Ninth Circuit.  Leonard R. MILSTEIN, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Stephen L. COOLEY;  Robert B. Foltz;  County of Los Angeles, Defendants-Appellees.

Singleton v. Cannizzaro

BUCKLEY v. FITZSIMMONS et al. certiorari to the united states court of appeals for the seventh circuit- 1993

 تجدر الإشارة إلي أن المحكمة العليا الكندرية كانت قد حكمت عام ٢٠٠١ بالتعويض لمتهم عن إساءة استعمال سلطة الإدعاء
Proulx v. Quebec (Attorney General)
A Quebec City area man acquitted of the brutal death of his former girlfriend will soon be getting a cheque for more than $2 million after the Supreme Court ruled that crown prosecutors abused their power and tried to mislead the court in order to get a conviction.

In Quebec City, Paul Begin, the provincial justice minister, said
"He (the prosecutor) has the right to make a mistake," Begin said. "He does not have the right to make a mistake with malice.

وانتهت المحكمة الي ٤ شروط واجب توافرها

The Court set out four requirements that must be established on a balance of probabilities in an action for prosecutorial misconduct:

* the Crown initiated the prosecution

* the prosecution resulted in the appellant's acquittal

* the Crown did not have a reasonable and probable cause upon which to base the charges

* the Crown was motivated by an improper purpose.  

أخيراً تجدر الإشارة الي الوضع في النظام القانوني الألماني
فالدستور الألماني- أو القانون  الأساسي الألماني كما يُطلق عليه- ينص في المادة ٣٤ على مبدأ عام وهو مسئولية الدولة عن أخطاء عمالها
Article 34 [Liability for violation of official duty]  
If any person, in the exercise of a public office entrusted to him, violates his official duty to a third party, liability shall rest principally with the state or public body that employs him. In the event of intentional wrongdoing or gross negligence, the right of recourse against the individual officer shall be preserved. The ordinary courts shall not be closed to claims for compensation or indemnity.

وواضح من النص أن الدولة أو الجهة العامة التي يتبعها الموظف العام الذي أخطأ هي التي تتحمل قيمة التعويض، سواء رجعت عليه فيما بعد أو لم ترجع

وهناك كذلك المادة ٨٣٩ من القانون المدني الألماني

Section 839 Liability in case of breach of official duty
  (1) If an official intentionally or negligently breaches the official duty incumbent upon him in relation to a third party, then he must compensate the third party for damage arising from this. If the official is only responsible because of negligence, then he may only be held liable if the injured person is not able to obtain compensation in another way.
(2) If an official breaches his official duties in a judgment in a legal matter, then he is only responsible for any damage arising from this if the breach of duty consists in a criminal offence. This provision is not applicable to refusal or delay that is in breach of duty in exercising a public function.
(3) Liability for damage does not arise if the injured person has intentionally or negligently failed to avert the damage by having recourse to appeal.