Wednesday, June 8, 2022

شروط التوظيف في مجال التدريس القانوني


أصبحت شروط التوظيف في مجال التدريس القانوني مختلفة عما اعتدناه من قبل. منها ما هو معقول ومنها ما هو محل نظر. اصبح الاهتمام بتدريس القانون باللغة الانجليزية ملحوظا وكذلك النشر العلمي باللغة الانجليزية في مجلات مدرجة في تصنيف سكوبس بالاضافة الي التوجه نحو موضوعات قانونية مستحدثة ومتخصصة الي حد ما مثل القانون والتكنولوجيا او القانون الرياضي او قانون الملكية الفكرية او التحكيم. بالاضافة لوجود خبرة ادارية لا سيما فيما يتعلق بالاعتماد الاكاديمي او ادارة مجلة وادراجها في تصنيف سكوبس او ادارة عيادة قانونية او مسابقة محاكمة صورية. كل ماسبق مهم للجامعات التي تسعى نحو التميز عالميا والحصول على تصنيف متميز وفق التصنيفات المختلفة للجامعات. لكن أتمنى ألا ننسى ان الجامعات هي قاطرة التنمية في مجتمعاتنا، ويتوقف ذلك على قدرتها على التواصل مع طوائف المجتمع المختلفة، ومن هنا تبرز اهمية النشر باللغة العربية في المجلات العربية التي ينبغي ان تولي أهمية لاحتياجات المجتمعات العربية

شروط التوظيف السابق ذكرها ستنعكس بشكل كبير على موضوعات الاجندة البحثية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس عندنا حيث يطغى الاهتمام بنشر ما يجذب اهتمام المجلات الاجنبية المصنفة في سكوبس (مثلا، الي حد ما، القانون كما هو كائن بالفعل)، وهي بدورها في مجتمعاتها لها اولويات تختلف عن اولويات مجتمعاتنا (مثلا، الي حد ما، القانون كما ينبغي ان يكون) التي ينبغي ان تكون محل اهتمام في اجنداتنا البحثية

CLAW - Professor | Associate Professor in Law

Dubai, United Arab Emirates | CLAW | Full-time

The American University in the Emirates invites Ph.D. holder applicants for full-time faculty (Professor and Associate Professor) 

Academic Year: 2022-2023  (starting Mid August 2022)

The faculty required will be teaching in one or more of the below Specializations:

  • Intellectual Property
  • Sports Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Arbitration Law

You can check the program and the courses by clicking on the following link:

 Instruction Language: Arabic and English

Teaching Load:  24 credit hours per academic year

 Job purpose

Responsible to provide students with professional expertise in teaching, assessing student work, academic advising, participating in administrative and committee activities, professional service, and community service. 

Qualifications & Education

  • Ph.D. in the related field from an accredited university in the United States of America or a recognized University accredited by an American Accreditation body
  • 18 credit hours of graduate studies in the required field
  • Minimum one research publication in Scopus journals


  • Applicants must have a minimum of 5 years teaching experience
  • Applicants must have a minimum of 2 years administrative experience at the level of department chair or above
  • Applicants must have experience with program accreditation processes
  • Applicants must have a proven record of excellence at baccalaureate program level teaching

Skills / Training / Knowledge

  • Curricular development and review.
  • Record of professional accomplishment including peer-reviewed publications
  • Continued research program and interest in collaboration with another faculty. 
  • Ability to integrate web-based and digital technology in the classroom.
  • Willingness to provide service to the University and the College.
  • Excellent English and Arabic Proficiency and Communication skills



  • Expected to present research and practice-driven teaching
  • Adapt to the latest pedagogical techniques that stimulate students to inquiry and to encompass a broad and coherent body of knowledge, attaining the skills and competencies through engaging delivery techniques and development of appropriate assessments
  • Supervision of thesis, capstone and internship assignments of students
  • Actively engage in scholarly activities and publish peer-reviewed articles in the area of specialization, thus contributing to the Mission of the University.
  • Provide academic advising and guidance to the students in the program's learning outcomes, curriculum planning, and career planning.
  • Evaluating students’ performance and grading. Providing clear assessment criteria that reflect course content and its learning outcomes, setting expectations to students, avoiding cognitive biases.
  • Contribute to regular curriculum reviewing and improving the existing curriculum or developing new specialization or program.
  • Participate by working in a task force or workgroup to accomplish assignments or projects such as accreditation, recruitment, research administration, consultation, and service to the university, discipline, and the community.
  • Acquire the latest academic techniques, discipline and professional certification, technology-related development, and leadership development through attending in-campus and out-campus workshops, seminars, and training.


American University in the Emirates – Dubai International Academic City – Dubai – United Arab Emirates.